Displaying 71-80 of 529 result(s).

SAT Question of the Day

2012-04-03 09:00:47

A certain bookstore sells both hardcover and paperback books, and every book sold is either fiction or nonfiction. On one recent day, 60% of all books sold were fiction, and 30% of the fiction books sold were hardcover. If 100 books were sold, and if paperbacks accounted for 70% of total sales that day, how many books sold were nonfiction paperbacks?

(A) 12
(B) 18
(C) 28
(D) 40
(E) 42

The correct answer is C

Explanation: Make a table that keeps track of paperback, hardcover, and total books on the columns, and nonfiction, fiction, and total books in all the rows. This will allow you to organize the information and keep track of the fact that each book has one binding and one genre. The lower right corner of this table will be the total number of books sold, which in this case is 100, and the sum of each column’s numbers will meet in the Total row for each column, and the same will be true of rows:

                             NONFICTION        FICTION    TOTAL
TOTAL                                                                               100

Now, fill it in. 60% of total sales is fiction, and 70% is paperback

          N    F    T
P                      70
T              60    100

From this, you can deduce that 40% of all books sold (or 40 books) were nonfiction and 30% of all books (or 30 books) were hardcover.

          N    F    T
P                      70
H                      30
T    40    60    100

Now, 30% of all fiction books sold were hardcover, meaning 30% of 60 will be the number of hardcover fiction books sold. 30% of 60 is 18 (from 60 x .3 = 18).

          N    F    T
P                     70
H             18    30
T    40    60    100

From this, you can deduce everything else about the table by simply adding up the rows and columns, giving these results:

         N    F    T
P    28    42    70
H    12    18    30
T    40    60    100

The question asks about paperback nonfiction books, which is 28, or choice C.

SAT Question of the Day

2012-04-04 09:00:21

Though the framers of the Constitution
intended for nearly all Americans to vote in every
election, voter turnout is dismally low in
presidential elections, and even less people
vote in local elections. No error

The correct answer is D

Explanation: The error in this sentence occurs at choice D where the adjective “less” is incorrectly used to modify the noun “people.” Because “people” is a countable noun, “less” is inappropriate, since “less” is only used to modify uncountable nouns. This word choice error could be corrected by changing “less” to the grammatically correct “fewer.”

SAT Question of the Day

2012-04-05 09:00:45

If f(4) = 23 and f(-1) = 3, which of the following could be f(x)?

(A) 5x + 3
(B) x² + x + 3
(C) 5x² - 2
(D) x² - x - 3
(E) x³ + 4

The correct answer is B

Explanation: The best approach to this question is to use the given x-values in each equation and see if the equation produces the correct outputs for the given inputs.

(A) f(x) = 5x + 3: 5(4) + 3 = 23, but 5(-1) + 3 = -2, so A only works for f(4).
(B) f(x) = x² + x + 3: (4)²+ (4) + 3 = 23, and (-1)² + (-1) + 3 = 3, so this works for f(4) and f(-1).
(C) f(x) = 5x² -2: 5(4)² - 2 = 78, but 5(-1)² -2 = 3, so this works for f(-1) only.
(D) f(x) = x² - x - 3: (4)² - 4 - 3 = 9, but (-1)² - (-1) - 3 = -1, so this works for neither f(4) nor f(-1).
(E) f(x) = x³ + 4: (4)³ + 4 = 68, but (-1)³ +4 = 3, so this works for f(-1) only.

Because only choice B’s function works for both f(4) and f(-1), choice B is correct.

SAT Question of the Day

2012-04-06 09:00:36

While commentators have referred to the 1950s as the heyday of the American family, in fact, this time period is something of an anomaly in American history. Since roughly the end of the Civil War, American culture has gradually de-emphasized the role of the family, excepting in particular the two decades following World War II. Thus, the 1950s should not be viewed as an ideal to return to (as many recent politicians have argued for, rhetorically, at least) or necessarily celebrated. Instead, it should be viewed as something worth studying purely for its uniqueness amongst American historical movements. We should not be placing the time period on a pedestal then but, rather, attempting to figure out why the 1950s bucked the trend of history, however temporarily.

Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

(A) many historians have argued that the Civil War was an idealized era for the American family
(B) there is not enough evidence about the role of the family in American culture before the 1950s
(C) the 1950s exemplify a larger trend about the role of the family in American life in history
(D) some politicians have suggested that the 1960s ruined the American family
(E) some have seen a decline in the role of the family in American culture since the 1950s

The correct answer is E

Explanation: In saying “some commentators have referred to the 1950s as the heyday of the American family” and calling the “1950s...an ideal to return to,” the author implies that others have portrayed the 1950s as the pinnacle of American family life and suggested a decline in the decades since. Additionally, each of the other answer choices is incorrect:

(A) is incorrect because the author only states that the role of the family has declined since the Civil War, not that that the Civil War was a peak of American family life.

(B) is incorrect because the author never discusses how much or how little evidence there is about American families.

(C) is incorrect because the author states the very opposite, saying of the 1950s that “this time period is something of an anomaly in American history.”

(D) is incorrect because the author only implies that some politicians have discussed the 1950s as an idealized time for the American family and never says that the 1960s ruined the family (or even makes mention of the 1960s).

10 Reasons to LOVE the SAT

2012-04-05 11:32:30

You're probably adept at rattling off reams of reasons why you hate, hate, HATE the SAT. Everyone does. It's a grueling, difficult exam with tremendously high stakes. It's a source of conflict with your parents & competition between your friends. Tutors are pricey, studying is boring, and between school, work, socializing and heaps of extracurricular activities... you don't have time for this! And to top it all off: the SAT is a terrible measure of one's potential to succeed! This test is pure evil!

Or is it?

In this blog entry I will give 10 reasons why the SAT is not so bad... awesome, even!

10.) For some students, the SAT is a much needed second chance. If you're like me and slacked off during freshman and sophomore years of high school, the SAT is a great way to demonstrate newfound focus and academic potential to colleges. Coupled with a strong junior and/or senior year transcript, good SAT scores will make you a viable candidate at many universities, even if you messed up parts of your high school career.

9.) Critical reading passages are really interesting! Here, I am going to let you in on a little secret: if you approach the critical reading passages with a focused, open mind, you'll find that they are super interesting! It's easy for students to say that critical reading passages are dry and boring--this is an excuse for disengaging from the material and not trying your best. I have NO idea why so many adults reinforce this ludicrous idea. SAT passages come from recent (good!) novels, present wide-ranging scientific ideas & personal perspectives, and debate important issues. What is boring about this?!

8.) You're entitled to a treat when you're done. Twinkies, burrito, day at the beach... take your pick!

7.) Studying for the SAT teaches you important stuff you don't learn in school, like good grammar (and, in turn, good writing skills) and how to think flexibly about math. As explained in a College Board report, while the SAT does not test advanced math like trig & calculus, it does require students to "apply strong problem solving techniques and use the math they do know in flexible ways. It asks that students go beyond applying rules and formulas to think through problems they have not solved before" In short, studying for SAT math promotes cognitive creativity.

6.) There are lots of available resources to help you prepare. Because so many students take the SAT, it's fair to say the test has been cracked. Not only are numerous books devoted to divulging essential content and strategies, but Sentia Education is also excited to pair you with an expert tutor, who knows exactly what material you need to know to score your highest.

5.) Misery loves company. You and your friends may grow closer through complaining about the SAT. Also, the fact that the eleventh grade class is simultaneously suffering promotes a feeling of community, a feeling of: I know this sucks, but we're in this together.

4.) As you practice, you get to see the results of your hard work pay off.
Most students who work with a (good) tutor, or study a lot independently will see a big increase between their first practice test and their final score. Seeing this payoff is fun, encouraging, and will remind you that you can accomplish a lot when you work hard & put your best foot forward.

3.) You have more than one shot to take the test, and colleges will only consider your highest score. So you can relax a little. Unlike most of the exams you take in school, the SAT isn't a one shot deal.

2.)  Completing the SAT is a rite of passage, and an accomplishment that promotes confidence. Throughout life, you will be forced to face scary challenges head-on. As you meet & succeed in the face of these challenges, you will grow more confident in your abilities.

A driving instructor (shout out to Tony from Formula One, best driving instructor ever!) once told me that high school students face two, seemingly insurmountable tasks: the driving test, and the SAT. Completing these tasks means proving to yourself that you can complete these tasks--that you are strong enough to succeed and persevere despite a mountain of pressure. Knowing this about yourself is invaluable.

1.) And most importantly, the SAT gets you into college! Despite all its unpleasantness, the SAT is your ticket to college--one of the most exciting and challenging parts of life. This is the ultimate reward of the SAT.

These Key SAT Words are Expertly Identified by Sentia Tutors

adept: skillful
viable: possible
insurmountable: not capable of being overcome

SAT Question of the Day

2012-04-09 09:00:09

Sandra has a collection of coins that contains only British, American, and Canadian coins. If the ratio of British to American coins is 1 to 4 and the ratio of American to Canadian coins is 2 to 1, and if Sandra has 40 British coins, how many total coins are in her collection?

(A) 130
(B) 160
(C) 200
(D) 280
(E) 480

The correct answer is D

Explanation: Always start math questions with the most specific piece of information given in the prompt. Here, the most specific piece of information is the number of British coins, so start by plugging 40 into the British to American ratio. If there are 40 British coins, and there is a 1:4 ratio between British and American coins, then there are 4 times as many American coins as British, or 4 x 40 coins, which is 160. Use this number in the American to Canadian ratio of 2:1. If 2 parts American is 160 coins, one part Canadian would be half that, or 80. So, the breakdown of coins is as follows:

American: 160
Canadian: 80

Add those up to find the total number of coins in Sandra’s collection: 40 + 160 + 80 = 280, making choice D correct.

SAT Question of the Day

2012-04-10 09:00:01

Immediately after assuming the presidency, many in Lyndon Johnson’s inner circle were amazed at how presidential he had seemingly become in mere seconds, as though a spirit of leadership suddenly possessed him.

(A) many in Lyndon Johnson’s inner circle were amazed at how presidential he had seemingly become in mere seconds
(B) Lyndon Johnson amazed many in his inner circle by becoming so presidential in mere seconds
(C) many in Lyndon Johnson’s inner circle, amazed at how presidential he had seemingly become in mere seconds
(D) Lyndon Johnson, to many in his inner circle, amazed them by becoming so presidential in mere seconds
(E) Lyndon Johnson, amazing many in his inner circle in mere seconds by becoming so presidential

The correct answer is B

Explanation: As written, the sentence contains an introductory modifying error. The phrase “immediately after assuming the presidency” is a modifying phrase and, therefore, must be immediately followed by its subject. In this case, “many in Lyndon Johnson’s inner circle” cannot be the subject, since only one person can assume the presidency. Choice B corrects this error by placing “Lyndon Johnson,” the subject of the modifier, right after the comma.

Debunking the Right/Left Brain Myth: What does this mean for standardized tests?

2012-04-10 16:57:00

You've probably heard that left-brained people are logical, organized, and good at science and math, while right-brainers are creative, artsy, good at spacial reasoning and, perhaps, at interpreting the tone of a book. Maybe you've even used this distinction to describe yourself?

While there's certainly no harm in using left/right brain terminology to illustrate the activities you enjoy, it's important to take this distinction with a grain of salt. Why? Because the theory is not based in actual science. In other words: it's bunk.

In an article for the Washington Post, University of Virginia psychology professor, Daniel Willingham discusses the parts of the brain involved in "learning a sequence," typically considered a left-brain task. He writes,

In this brain imaging study some colleagues and I found that 14 brain areas contribute to the sequencing task we examined. “Sequential thought” is supposed to be a left brain function, but we observed five areas in the left hemisphere, five in the right, and four bilateral. (That is, the activity was in corresponding areas of both the left and right hemispheres.)

I say “sequencing” and that corresponds to 14 different brain areas! So thinking that we can identify an array of these tasks--logical thinking, language, math, and others--that all depend mostly on one hemisphere seems a little far-fetched. More to the point, we know it’s inaccurate.

So, different abilities are not controlled by distinct, hierarchically arranged sides of the brain. What does this mean for high school students preparing for college admissions tests? The SAT is split between sections that test reading, writing, and math. The ACT adds science to the mix. A motley crew of subjects, indeed! If you're inclined toward the right/left brain theory, you might say: "Well, I'm right-brained. Maybe I can do OK on SAT verbal... but math just ain't my thing!" Or, worse: "I'm right-brained. I'm a boss at art, but I suck at logic, analysis, and reasoning. The SAT just ain't my thing!"

Left/Right brain distinctions dichotomize our abilities and act like destiny. They tell us that, because we're good at one thing, we can't possibly be good at it's (alleged) inverse. Left/right brain distinctions downplay possible connections between different types of thought--the seeming relatedness between pattern-recognition, analysis, and intuitive interpretation. Recognizing such relationships opens the possibility for students to use inborn talents as a springboard for developing weaker areas.

Or maybe debunking the left/right brain myth just tells us that one's gift for science has absolutely nothing to do with spatial reasoning or talent in art. You can be both intensely creative and intensely analytical. One does not prevent or undermine the other, so we get to nurture multiple, "contradictory" gifts.

Anyway, my point is: If you're a high school student getting ready for the SAT/ACT, don't let mythological notions about your dominant half-brain prevent you from trying for a good score in all sub-tests. Ditto that for different subjects in school.

These Key SAT Words are Expertly Identified by Sentia Tutors

motley: made up of different colors or parts
dichotomy: division into two mutually exclusive, opposed or contradictory groups
alleged: doubtful; suspect; supposed

SAT Question of the Day

2012-04-11 09:00:28

Which of the following is the equation for a line that passes through the point (0,3) and that is perpendicular to the line 3x - y = 6?

(A) 3x + 3
(B) -⅓ - 6
(C) ⅓x - 6
(D) 3x - 6
(E) -⅓x + 3

The correct answer is E

Explanation: Start by rewriting 3x - y = 6 in slope-intercept (y = mx + b) form by solving the equation for y. Add y to both sides, leaving 3x = 6 + y, then subtract 6 from both sides to isolate the y, leaving the line 3x - 6 = y.  Perpendicular lines have negative reciprocal slopes, so a line that is perpendicular to 3x - 6 = y would have a slope that is the negative reciprocal of 3x. The negative reciprocal of 3x would be -⅓x. The y-intercept of this line is given in the prompt, as the point (0,3) is the y-intercept, meaning the b part of this equation is 3. Thus, the correct line is the one given in choice E: -⅓x + 3.

SAT Question of the Day

2012-04-12 09:00:44

The senator’s speeches were notoriously dull, and his aides often joked that they were more ______ than a sleeping pill.

(A) enervating
(B) galvanizing
(C) soporific
(D) innocuous
(E) lethargic

The correct answer is C

Explanation: To predict the meaning of the missing words, look for keywords in the sentence. Here, the keywords are “notoriously dull,” which, like the missing word, describes “the senator’s speeches.” The other keywords are in the “sleeping pill” the speeches are compared to. Since a sleeping pill induces sleep, and the speeches are, apparently, better than a sleeping pill, they too must be sleep-inducing. Since “soporific” means “sleep-inducing.” Therefore, choice C is correct.

Additionally, none of the other answer choices work:

Enervating: weakening or draining of energy (this does not work because a sleeping pill does not weaken someone or drain him or her of energy; it merely causes sleep)

Galvanizing: shocking or exciting someone to take action (this is the opposite of a correct answer)

Innocuous: harmless (a sleeping pill is neither harmful nor harmless, so this answer is completely off topic)

Lethargic: sluggish, slow-moving, and apathetic (this does not work because a sleeping pill might cause one to be lethargic, but a sleeping pill itself is not lethargic)