2012-04-06 09:00:36

While commentators have referred to the 1950s as the heyday of the American family, in fact, this time period is something of an anomaly in American history. Since roughly the end of the Civil War, American culture has gradually de-emphasized the role of the family, excepting in particular the two decades following World War II. Thus, the 1950s should not be viewed as an ideal to return to (as many recent politicians have argued for, rhetorically, at least) or necessarily celebrated. Instead, it should be viewed as something worth studying purely for its uniqueness amongst American historical movements. We should not be placing the time period on a pedestal then but, rather, attempting to figure out why the 1950s bucked the trend of history, however temporarily.

Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

(A) many historians have argued that the Civil War was an idealized era for the American family
(B) there is not enough evidence about the role of the family in American culture before the 1950s
(C) the 1950s exemplify a larger trend about the role of the family in American life in history
(D) some politicians have suggested that the 1960s ruined the American family
(E) some have seen a decline in the role of the family in American culture since the 1950s

The correct answer is E

Explanation: In saying “some commentators have referred to the 1950s as the heyday of the American family” and calling the “1950s...an ideal to return to,” the author implies that others have portrayed the 1950s as the pinnacle of American family life and suggested a decline in the decades since. Additionally, each of the other answer choices is incorrect:

(A) is incorrect because the author only states that the role of the family has declined since the Civil War, not that that the Civil War was a peak of American family life.

(B) is incorrect because the author never discusses how much or how little evidence there is about American families.

(C) is incorrect because the author states the very opposite, saying of the 1950s that “this time period is something of an anomaly in American history.”

(D) is incorrect because the author only implies that some politicians have discussed the 1950s as an idealized time for the American family and never says that the 1960s ruined the family (or even makes mention of the 1960s).

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