Displaying 41-50 of 529 result(s).

SAT Question of the Day

2012-03-02 09:00:19

If the price of a car decreased 30% per year each year after it was purchased, what percentage of the car’s original value would the car have been valued at two years after purchase?

The correct answer is 49

Explanation: Assume the car initially cost $100. A 30% reduction after 1 year would mean the car was now worth 70% of what it cost. Thus, it would cost $70, since 70%  of 100 is 70. After the second year, it would cost 70% of 70, which can be found by calculating 70 x .70, which is $49. The question asks what percent of the original cost of the car does the car currently cost, and that can be found by simply taking 49/100, which is .49 or 49%.

SAT Question of the Day

2012-02-28 09:00:51

Having won the popular vote but not the electoral college vote, Jackson became bitter, as he had become convinced that the election had been but a sham.

A) as he had become convinced that the election had been but a sham.
(B) this was because he became convinced the election had been a sham.
(C) but convinced had he become that the election was a sham.
(D) he was convinced the election had been a sham.
(E) due to his conviction that the election were but a sham.

The correct answer is A

Explanation: There is no mistake in the sentence. This is confirmed by looking at the answer choices.

(B) is wrong because it would create a run-on, as it would link two independent clauses using a comma alone.

(C) is wrong because it contains an improper conjunction. “But” is used to introduce contradictory elements of a sentence, but the two clauses in this sentence flow into each other and do not contrast one another.

(D) is wrong because it would create a run-on, as it would link two independent clauses using a comma alone.

(E) is wrong because it contains a verb error. The plural verb “were” does not agree with its singular subject, “his conviction,” in number.

SAT Question of the Day

2012-03-01 09:00:24

As a child, Theodore Roosevelt suffered from asthma,
so he set out on improving his fitness and ended up
recovering fully of the illness by the time he
reached adulthood. No error

The correct answer is D

Explanation: The error in this sentence occurs at D, where the preposition “of” does not agree idiomatically with the verb “recovering.” To correct this error, one could change “of” to the idiomatically correct “from.”

SAT Score Choice: What is it, and how do I sign up?

2012-02-28 16:00:07

What is SAT Score Choice?

SAT Score Choice is a free service that allows students to select which SAT scores they send to colleges. Each time a student takes the SAT, the scores for each test are kept as separate records. If a student sits for a test more than once, he/she can use Score Choice to decide which scores colleges see.

Note: Selecting Score Choice means that colleges will see all section scores (Math, Critical Reading, and Writing) from a given administration. Score Choice does NOT allow students to select & send only their highest sections from multiple tests.

What are the benefits of using SAT Score Choice? 

SAT Score Choice was designed to reduce performance anxiety and exam-day stress. Let's say Benny took the SAT in January, May, and June, but bombed the May administration. With Score Choice, Benny can send only the scores from January and June--effectively sweeping May's shortcomings beneath the proverbial rug. If you're someone who tends to choke under pressure, Score Choice may be a good option because it means that one bad test won't scar your college application. With this in mind, you can relax on test day and focus on the exam, instead of worrying about how you're doing.

What do colleges think of Score Choice? 

Some colleges don't mind it, while others prefer to see every one of a student's test scores. Please refer to pages 5-39 of this official College Board document to see where your top choice college stands.

The College Board does not notify schools if a student is using score choice, so it's up to each student whether he/she wants to comply with a college's requirements. Students should be cognizant, however, that including your high school code when registering for the SAT means your guidance counselor will gain access to all of your scores. Thus, colleges that don't endorse score choice can contact high school officials to find out if a student reported all required scores.

How do I sign up for Score Choice?

As long as you didn't sign up to automatically send scores to colleges when you registered for the SAT, you will be able to use Score Choice. It is important to note that you can only use Score Choice AFTER your SAT results become available online. This means that you will need to pay for each score report sent to colleges.

To use Score Choice:
1. Head to: http://sat.collegeboard.org/home
2. Log into your account using the "My Organizer" box on the left side of the page
3. Click the "SAT Scores" tab
4. You will see something that resembles this:
1/28/12: Available
Sent to: 0 Recipients <-- hit this link!
5. Retype your password for the security check
6. Click the "Send Available Scores Now" link under the "My Scores" section of the page.
7. A pop-up will appear. Hit "Send Additional Score Reports"
8. Enter the name of the college and any additional information, then press "Continue"
9. In the page that follows, click "Choose Scores" to activate Score Choice.
10. Check the boxes next to the scores you want to send. Press continue.
11. Enter payment information. You're done!

These Key SAT Words are Expertly Identified by Sentia Tutors

Cognizant: Aware

Should I Take the ACT or the SAT?

2012-02-27 20:19:58

If you’re a high school junior, the next year of your life will be filled with a plethora of decisions. You’ll have to figure out which courses to take for the rest of your high school career, which colleges to apply to, and the small matter of what you want to do with your life. We’d like to help you make one decision easier: which test should you take for your college application? Time was, schools in certain parts of the country preferred the ACT and schools elsewhere preferred the SAT, but those days are gone. Now, for the most part, you have complete freedom in choosing which test to take. Here’s what you need to know to make that decision:

1. What are the differences in the tests?

The SAT and ACT test the same content: high-school level Math and English.  However, there are a few minor differences:

The SAT has ten sections: 3 Math, 3 Writing, and 3 Reading, plus an extra section that is not scored. Sections are 10 – 25 minutes long.

The ACT has four sections: English, Math, Reading, and Science plus an optional Essay section. The English section is 45 minutes, the Math 60 minutes, Reading and Science 35 minutes each, and the essay 30 minutes.

In terms of content, SAT math is a little more reasoning based than it is content-based, and the test gives you a cheat sheet of formulas, so you have fewer math rules to memorize. The ACT tests the exact same content areas without giving you a formula sheet and also adds questions about trigonometry, which is not on the SAT.

The Reading sections differ in that the SAT has short passages, while the ACT only has four long passages. Additionally, the SAT has vocabulary questions, meaning you will need to study vocabulary.

The English/Writing sections are not that different in content, though punctuation and rhetoric come up on the ACT English section. Also, the SAT has a mandatory essay, whereas the ACT’s is optional (though we would heavily encourage you to take it).

Finally, don’t fear the Science section on the ACT. The vast majority of questions ask you simply to read passages and data charts, analyze them, and interpret them. The SAT tests these same skills on the Reading sections and also on the Math sections (albeit in smaller numbers).

What this means for you is this: if you are more comfortable memorizing math concepts than vocabulary words, take the ACT. If not, then look at the SAT. And if you don’t care, move on to the next question.

2. What test does my school need?

Find out. Most schools do not care which test you take, so long as you take one. But find out from admissions websites or from admissions representatives. If your dream school prefers one test, make sure to take that test.

3. Do you prefer shorter sections or longer sections?

The ACT, as we mentioned in question 1, has longer sections than does the SAT. Both tests are almost the same in total length (the SAT is a bit longer), but how that time is allotted varies. If you prefer shorter sections and moving from topic-to-topic more frequently, the SAT might be better for you. If you prefer looking at one type of question in one subject for a long time, the ACT is probably better for you.

4. Which test is better for my schedule?

Find out! Look at what you have coming up in school, and plan accordingly. If the ACT is offered the same week as final exams at your school, maybe plan on taking the SAT instead (or vice-versa). Our only real advice here is to make sure you have enough time to take the test twice before your college applications are due next fall.

5. Which test will I do better on?

This is really the most paramount question. Take a practice ACT and a practice SAT exam. If you score significantly better on one than on the other, focus on that one. If not, just ask yourself which format was more comfortable for you.

Play to your strengths, and remember to study for and practice whichever test you decide to take.

These Key SAT Words are Expertly Identified by Sentia Tutors

Plethora: many
: chief in importance

Expert Test Tips: Vary your study location for maximum results!

2012-03-01 12:14:40

Sitting at my desk, I examine neatly-penned flashcards. Bright green walls. Soft light. LED clock dimly glows: 8:00 pm.

1. Erudite: Characterized by great knowledge or learning; scholarly
2. Perspicacious: Very insightful
3. Innovator: A person who introduces something new

Though I don't consciously realize it, my brain is associating this vocabulary with my surroundings. This means that every time I sit at my desk, I am subtly prompted to recall the material I learned there the night before. The space functions as a sort of mnemonic--a memory jumper--that helps me remember key information.

Unfortunately, however, no one takes standardized tests at their bedroom desk. So where should I study for maximum results? According to a New York Times article, students that vary their study spot retain more information. Varying one's study spot forces the brain to make multiple associations with the same material, thus contributing to general retention.

On the flip side, Gina Carroll explains, having a regular, consistent study spot can help with organization and motivation. The theory is similar: Your mind will subtly associate your desk with the act of studying. You'll be able to focus, and get productive faster. Plus, you're guaranteed a quiet, well-lit study environment with all materials on hand. What could be better?!

I'll tell you: arranging 3-5 study spots that you turn to at different times. Perhaps that nice coffee shop with the relaxing music and delicious coffee cake? Or the secluded desk by the window of your school library? When its warm outside, you can even head to your favorite park. Just be sure to switch between the different spots, and not to pick anywhere too distracting.

SAT Question of the Day

2012-03-05 09:00:07

“But it really was such a lovely ceremony,” Mrs. Hunter said to the others at the table. “Such a marvelously and meticulously planned wedding, and Jeanette really outdid herself. You all would have been so fortunate to have been there, but, of course, Jeanette wanted to keep it private.” The other women eyed each other. Did Mrs. Hunter really expect them not to know why the ceremony was small, why it was so hurried? Still, they could only imagine how they would behave if Jeanette were their daughter. “We are all green with envy, Cecilia,” Lady Chesterfield interjected, “And Nice at this time of year.” Mrs. Hunter smiled in relief, “Now, if you’ll excuse me for just a moment.” And with that she rose, left the table, and went into the women’s lounge. There, she sat on the divan and shed a single tear.

The passage implies which of the following about Mrs. Hunter?
(A) She is a source of ridicule to her friends
(B) She is extraordinarily proud of her daughter
(C) She is given to fits of jealousy
(D) She is overly decorous and finicky
(E) She is concerned with keeping up appearances

The correct answer is E

Explanation: The passage gives several indications that Mrs. Hunter is exaggerating the dignity of her daughter’s wedding, even though she is aware of how it might look to others. It also indicates that the others at the table are, in fact, well aware of why the wedding “ceremony was small, why it was so hurried,” though they play along with Mrs. Hunter’s charade. Thus, when Mrs. Hunter smiles “in relief” before crying, she is showing that she is happy her friends believed her though still stressed and unhappy about the wedding itself. All of this suggests that Mrs. Hunter’s only goal is in keeping up public appearances and hiding whatever scandal is behind Jeanette’s wedding. Thus, choice E is the best answer choice.

SAT Question of the Day

2012-03-06 09:00:04

If ⅔ of a number is 5 less than  ¾ of the number, what is ⅘ of the number?

(A) 40
(B) 45
(C) 48
(D) 54
(E) 60

The correct answer is C

Explanation: Let x be the number. Then ⅔x + 5 = ¾x.  Subtract ⅔x from both sides of the equation by converting both fractions into 12ths so as to have a lowest common denominator. Thus, ⅔x + 5 = ¾x becomes 8/12x + 5 = 9/12x. This means that 5 = 1/12x. Divide both sides of the equation by 1/12 to get x = 60. If x = 60, then ⅘ of x is ⅘ of 60, or 48. This makes choice C the right answer.

SAT Question of the Day

2012-03-07 09:00:08

Known for their homemade pastas and sauces, the iconic restaurant just celebrated its fiftieth anniversary with a lavish party attended by two former governors and the current mayor.

(A) Known for their homemade pastas and sauces, the iconic restaurant just celebrated its fiftieth anniversary
(B) Known for their homemade pastas and sauces, the fiftieth anniversary of the iconic restaurant was celebrated
(C) Known for their homemade pastas and sauces, the iconic restaurant just celebrated their fiftieth anniversary
(D) Known for its homemade pastas and sauces, the iconic restaurant just celebrated its fiftieth anniversary
(E) Known for its homemade pastas and sauces, the fiftieth anniversary of the iconic restaurant was celebrated

The correct answer is D

Explanation: As written, the sentence contains a pronoun error. The plural possessive pronoun “their” does not agree in number with its singular antecedent, “the iconic restaurant.” Choice D corrects this error by replacing “their” with the grammatically appropriate “its.”

SAT Question of the Day

2012-03-08 09:00:32

Seven friends agreed to split the price of a lane at a bowling alley for two hours at a cost of $18 each. When they got to the bowling alley, though, one of them decided he no longer wanted to go bowling. If the remaining friends rent the lane for two hours, how much more will each person pay for the lane than he would’ve paid before one of them backed out?

(A) $1
(B) $3
(C) $4
(D) $6
(E) $18

The correct answer is B

Explanation: Start by finding the total cost of renting the lane for two hours. This can be calculated by multiplying the cost per person (18) times the number of people (7) as originally conceived: 18 x 7 = $126. If one person backs out, then that means only six of them are going to go bowling. Divide the cost of the lane ($126) by the number of remaining bowlers: 126/6 = $21. The question asks for the difference in per bowler costs, which is 21 - 18. This equals $3, making choice B correct.