2012-06-18 09:00:52

The student council had to debate the merits of the new dress code for hours before it could reach ______, and even then, the agreement was far from unanimous.

(A) conclusion
(B) conference
(C) consent
(D) conspiracy
(E) consternation

The correct choice is B

Explanation: To predict the meaning of the missing word, look for keywords in the sentence. Here, the keywords are "even then" and "agreement." The former explains the relationship between the missing word and what follows, implying that everything after the "even then" modifies or alters the meaning or scope of the missing word. "Agreement" is used in place of the missing word after "even then." Thus, the missing word must have a similar meaning to "agreement" but must also not describe a "unanimous" agreement. A "consensus" is a general though not necessarily unanimous agreement, so choice (C) is correct.

None of the other answer choices work, either:

conclusion: the end of something (this does not work because it is too general: something can be concluded without reaching agreement)

conference: a formal meeting for discussion (the student council probably had a conference to "debate... for hours," meaning it did not debate to reach a conference)

conspiracy: a secret plan by a group to do something harmful or illegal (the student council probably did not plan a conspiracy about the dress code)

consternation: feelings of anxiety or dismay, typically brought on by the unexpected (the student council would not likely "debate... for hours" to feel consternation)

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