2012-05-04 09:00:43

Thomas Jefferson was a Renaissance man, someone who dabbled in a wide array of fields; he included everything from architecture to philosophy in his impressively   ______ repertoire.

(A) motley
(B) uniform
(C) ubiquitous
(D) limited
(E) omniscient

The correct answer is A

Explanation: To predict the missing word, look for keywords in the sentence. In this prompt, the keywords are "wide array of fields," which the prompt states that Jefferson "dabbled" in. The missing word describes his "repertoire," a word that means "the stock set of skills one habitually returns to." Because both the missing word and the "wide array" describe the repertoire or fields Jefferson worked in, a field that is "wide" and includes disparate elements such as "architecture" or "philosophy,"  the missing word must mean "wide" or "diverse." Choice A is, therefore, the right answer, since "motley" means "exhibiting great diversity of elements."

None of the other answer choice worked either.

Uniform: the same throughout (This is the opposite of a correct answer.)

Ubiquitous: present, appearing, or found everywhere (This has nothing to do with "a wide array of fields.")

Limited: restricted in size, amount or extent (This is almost the opposite of a correct answer.)

Omniscient: knowing everything (This has nothing to do with "a wide array of fields.")



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