2012-03-29 09:00:35

The writings of Thomas Pynchon can feel too complicated to many readers, and the Byzantine, conspiracy-filled plots often leave its readers feeling as paranoid as Pynchon’s many protagonists.

(A) often leave its readers feeling as paranoid as Pynchon’s many protagonists.
(B) often leave its readers feeling as paranoidly as are Pynchon’s many protagonists.
(C) often leave its readers feeling as paranoidly as the Pynchon protagonists do.
(D) often leave their readers feeling as paranoid as are Pynchon’s many protagonists.
(E) often leave their readers feeling as paranoid as Pynchon’s many protagonists.

The correct answer is E

Explanation: As written, the prompt contains a pronoun error. The singular possessive pronoun “its” does not agree in number with its plural antecedents, “the writings of Thomas Pynchon.” Choice E corrects this by changing “its” to the plural “their.”

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