2014-11-26 09:00:00

At the first Thanksgiving, people would be surprised to learn how different it was from our own.

(A) At the first Thanksgiving, people would be surprised to learn how different it was from our own.
(B) At the first Thanksgiving, it would surprise people to learn how different it was from our own.
(C) Because the first Thanksgiving was so different from our own, it would surprise people.
(D) People would be surprised to learn that the first Thanksgiving, it was so different from our own.
(E) People would be surprised to learn how different the first Thanksgiving was from our own.

The correct answer is E
Explanation: As written, this sentence contains a modifier error. The phrase "at the first Thanksgiving" is an introductory modifier and, as such, should be followed by its subject. Here, though, it is followed by "people," not something that happened "at the first Thanksgiving." Choice E fixes this error by rewriting the sentence in a clear way and eliminating the contentious modifier.

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