2014-11-17 09:00:41

There are dozens of breeds of cats, a staggering 95% of cats in the world defy
(A)                                                                                                            (B)
classification because they are "moggies," cats that are the result of crossbreeding                                                 (C)                                                                       (D)
or other mutations. No error

The correct answer is A
Explanation: The error in this sentence occurs at choice A where a run-on is created. Two independent clauses ("There are dozens of breeds of cats" and "a staggering... 'moggies'") are linked in the sentence using a comma alone. One way to correct this error is by inserting a word into choice A to make the first clause dependent. For example, the sentence structure error could be corrected by inserting "while" there, creating the clause "While there are dozens of breeds of cats."

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