2014-11-12 09:00:20

Many of railed against the influence of ______ on Congress, arguing that legislators in a democracy should not be cajoled and convinced to vote certain ways by outside interest groups.

(A) deputies
(B) adversaries
(C) dunderheads
(D) adjutants
(E) lobbyists

The correct answer is E
Explanation: To find the missing word, try to predict its meaning by using clues in the sentence. Here, the main clue comes after the comma, where the job done by the missing word is described as "cajoling and convincing" legislators "to vote certain ways" and where the missing word itself is associated with "outside interest groups." Thus, the missing word must describe a group of people who represent outside interest groups and attempt to convince legislators to vote certain ways. Choice E presents such a word: "lobbyists" are "people who seek to influence politicians on issues."

None of the other choices work, either:

deputies: people designated to represent their immediate higher-ups as substitutes
adversaries: opponents
dunderheads: stupid people
adjutants: military personnel who act as administrative assistants to higher-ups

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