2014-09-26 09:00:28

The feeders at the zoo noted that the pelicans tended to be more ______ when they were trying to get fish than did the docile penguins who occupied the same habitat.

(A) compliant
(B) nonchalant
(C) demure
(D) gregarious
(E) bellicose

The correct answer is E

Explanation: To find the missing word, try to predict its meaning by using clues in the sentence. Here, the best clue is the use of "than," which sets up a comparison that implies that the pelicans are unlike the penguins. Since the penguins are "docile," the pelicans must be the opposite of "docile." As such, E is correct because "bellicose" means "aggressive and willing to fight."

None of the other choices work, either:

compliant: acquiescent or tending to agree with others
nonchalant: aloof and disinterested
demure: modest and shy
gregarious: sociable

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