2014-07-09 09:00:21

Gene Kelly performed a ______ of tasks for the film Singin' in the Rain: he conceived, choreographed, co-directed, and starred in the hit film musical.

(A) recitation
(B) multitude
(C) remonstrance
(D) misapprehension
(E) dearth

The correct answer is B
Explanation: To find the missing word, try to predict its meaning by using clues in the sentence. Here, the main clue is the colon. Colons are used to separate explanatory information from the rest of a sentence. Thus, here, the list of things Kelly did on Singin' in the Rain describes the types of "tasks" he did for the film. It is implied that he did many tasks, meaning the missing word should refer to the number of tasks he did. Choice B is correct, then: a "multitude" is "a large number of something."

None of the other choices work, either:

recitation: a repetition of facts
remonstrance: a forceful protest
misapprehension: a misunderstanding
dearth: a lack of something

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