2014-06-13 13:30:43

Sunday is Father's Day, and there's still plenty of time to make your dad an endearing card that he will treasure forever (or that he might not lose until the end of the day). If you're having trouble coming up with synonyms for awesome or swell or grand, don't worry; we've got you covered.

Here are a few SAT vocab words to show daddy dearest how much you care while simultaneously proving how diligently you've been studying since summer vacation started.

1. Vivacious (adj.)

Definition: lively or animated

Sample Compliment: "Thank you for always being a vivacious bystander at my Little League games.  Even when I didn't hit a single ball, I could always hear you cheering me on."


2. Taciturn (adj.)

Definition: tending to be quiet; not speaking frequently

Sample Compliment: "While not as verbose as other parents, I appreciate your taciturn nature; for when you do speak, you have something to say, and we all listen."


3. Jocular (adj.)

Definition: good-humored; cheerful

Sample Compliment: "Papa, your jocular nature makes it hard to stay angry with you even after you ground me for coming home past curfew... or for scratching the car... or for getting detention for using my phone in class..."


4. Intrepid (adj.)

Definition: fearless, adventurous

Sample Compliment: "Thanks for instilling a sense of adventure in me. Your intrepid personality taught me to take chances and to go after life."


5. Indefatigable (adj.)

Definition: incapable of defeat, failure or decay

Sample Compliment: "I'm sure everyone says this on Father's Day, but I truly mean it: you are a rock-star. I have seen you work ten hour days, come home to three children, cook dinner, bathe a baby, pre-pack lunches for the next day, go to bed at midnight, and wake up at 5 am to do it all over again. You are indefatigable."

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