2014-06-02 09:00:33

When slicing tomatoes, it is best to use a knife with ______ blade,  since the jagged teeth allow the tomato to be sliced neatly without applying pressure that might crush the fruit.

(A) a dilated
(B) an emaciated
(C) a sophisticated
(D) a macerated
(E) a serrated

The correct answer is E
Explanation: To find the missing word, try to predict its meaning by using keywords in the prompt. Here, the main clue is "since," which implies a causal relationship. That is, the second clause explains why it is best to use the type of knife described by the missing word to cut tomatoes. The second clause refers to that knife having "jagged teeth," so it follows that the knife in question has a "blade" that includes "jagged teeth." Thus, choice E is correct: "serrated" means "sawlike, or containing a jagged edge."

None of the other choices work, either:

dilated: widened or made more open
emaciated: abnormally thin or week
sophisticated: highly complex or advanced
macerated: softened as a result of soaking in liquid

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