2014-05-23 09:00:34

So-called snake oil salesmen were common sights in the Wild West, peddling potions advertised to have ______ effects but which actually had no medicinal benefits.

(A) salutatory
(B) saliferous
(C) salubrious
(D) salacious
(E) salient

The correct answer is C
Explanation: To find the missing word, try to predict its meaning by using keywords and clues in the sentence. Here, the conjunction "but" is key, as it sets up a contrasting relationship between the advertised "effects," which the missing word describes, and the truth: that they "actually had no medicinal benefits." Thus, it follows that the missing word must similarly mean "medicinal," as such a word would complete the contradiction. Therefore, choice C is correct: "salubrious" means "health-giving, or health benefiting."

None of the other choices work, either:

salutatory: relating to salutations and greetings
saliferous: containing much salt
salacious: containing obscenity or sexually indecent materials
salient: most noticeable or important

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