2012-09-24 09:00:21

James Joyce's writing style has a tendency to seem ______, because it is difficult for the casual reader to fully grasp its meaning.

(A) succinct    (B) elegant    (C) derivative (D) arcane    (E) comprehensive

 Answer and ExplanationThe correct answer is D

Explanation: To predict the missing word, try to predict its meaning by using keywords in the sentence. Here, the phrase "because it is difficult for the casual reader to fully grasp its meaning" explains why Joyce's writings can seem the way the missing word describes. Thus, the missing word must likewise mean difficult for some to understand. "Arcane" means "understood by only a few," so choice (D) is correct.

None of the other choices work, either:

succinct: briefly and clearly expressed (this is the opposite of being difficult to understand)
elegant: pleasingly graceful and stylish (this has no relationship to being difficult to understand)
derivative: imitative of the work of an earlier artist (this has no relationship to being difficult to understand)
comprehensive: thorough or complete (this has no relationship to being difficult to understand)

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