GMAT Preparation

Students begin with a diagnostic exam to measure current testing strengths and weaknesses. This computerized adaptive test mirrors the type of testing the student will encounter on the day of the exam. The test is reviewed by our analysts and a customized education plan is created. Students then begin an intensive tutorial process that includes learning the skills necessary for outstanding performance on each section.

Sentia’s quantitative curriculum does not rely on the test-taking tricks common to other preparation programs. Rather, each student undergoes a two-fold preparation strategy that focuses on review of basic high school math as well as the more advanced mathematical principles required to successfully answer the GMAT’s most difficult questions.

Similarly, Sentia’s verbal and writing curricula maintain an emphasis on core competencies and feature thoughtful, targeted instruction in the student’s weakest areas.

While each student’s educational plan is customized, as a general rule of thumb most students devote approximately 16 weeks to their GMAT preparation. Students can work with our instructors in person in New York or via videoconference from anywhere in the world.